
It is so nice to meet you, babe!

Paralympian. Gold medallist. Lingerie model. Entrepreneur. Psychic energy healer and mentor. Babe with a mobility aid. Elle Steele has a resume like no one else. Truly one-of-a-kind in more ways than one, what connects Elle’s many achievements and skillsets is the belief that when we are brave enough to connect to our personal power, we can begin to heal our hearts and achieve greatness.

Elle was born with a congenital disability called Arthrogryposis, affecting the range of motion in the joints and impacting the cartilage in the body. Elle also developed Amniotic band syndrome (ABS) in the womb, affecting the shape of both her hands. Elle has had over 30 surgeries, including two knee replacements, and has had to relearn to walk five times throughout her life.

Shortly after she was born, her father asked the doctor if Elle would be able to walk at all, to which the doctor replied that he believed she would even be able to dance. From that moment on, Elle was raised to always focus on the positive aspects of what she is capable of doing instead of what she can’t do. This core belief has stayed with Elle throughout her life.


Elle believes in the spiritual healing power of water, whether it’s competing in the pool or soaking in the saltwater of the ocean. Water is transformative and full of endless possibilities. In its clear reflection, we can truly see ourselves. She has dedicated herself to relearning to walk each time to always walk into the ocean for as long as possible.

This explains Elle's early connection to swimming. Elle connected to her power from a young age, winning her first gold medal in competitive swimming at just 14 years old before swimming for Australia at the 2000 Sydney Paralympics at 17 years old in the 400-metre freestyle, breaking a national record.

As talented as she was in the pool, Elle possessed a unique quality that allowed her to bring out the best in her fellow athletes as the captain of several Australian swimming teams. This was the beginning of Elle’s journey to help others find their inner power.

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Following the end of her 13-year career as a professional athlete, Elle studied neurolinguistics and reflected on the language she used about her disability. She realised that she was constantly apologising to others for taking up space and allowing the people around her to define how she felt in her body and about her life.

By changing her language, shifting her mindset, and connecting to that same personal power that took her to the Paralympic Games, Elle was able to find happiness in herself and her body through psychic healing.

Elle proves that psychic healing doesn't have to look like spooky witches doing tarot readings and burning incense (although she does love doing the latter!). It's more about what you are feeling within your heart and how you can eliminate the limiting beliefs holding you back. Elle’s objective isn’t to convince you of her abilities but to help you believe in your own.

Elle wants to help you follow your inner desire to show up in the world and be exactly who you want to be. She teaches people of all abilities how to say yes to themselves and yes to the world and work out how later. Whether that means doing it at a different speed or in a different way, you can always get to where you want to go. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes and make room for yourself. Just keep on dancing!

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Her familiar is named after the greatest wizard of our modern time

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She loves middle eastern techno music with the volume as loud as possible


She is writing a YA fantasy fiction novel and the lead character has a disability!


Her favourite vegetable is brussels sprouts! She always has them in the fridge


She saw Unicorns as a child to help her understand messages from source


She feels most at home in the water. The ocean, the pool, the bath. Oooh yes