Create your Constellation

What an interesting and mind-blowing world we live in? I mean, even the last 12 months alone has been something out of a horror, thriller box office hit! As someone living with a disability who, over the last 15 years has worked relentlessly on my mindset in the sporting industry as a Paralympian and how I react to situations around me in everyday life, I am grateful for all that I have learnt. I feel for the people who haven’t really had intense moments of realisation that have led to resilience building because it’s most definitely been tough.

I’ve been quipping the idea of Creating your (own) Constellation for a few years now, but I thought it was the perfect time to introduce my thoughts behind the concept in a more formal way. If you’ve been following me for a while, you know that I love all things The Universe, Stars and Galaxies. I am deeply connected to the energy of the Pleiadians and call on them for ongoing support and I know that my Star Family is watching over me always.

A few years back I was channelling intergalactic energy from Source (the energy of the universe). Source told me that everyone has their own constellation and to be fully realised and live our soul’s truth that we need to find and connect to each star in our very own constellation.

There are different parts of your personality that you can call on at any time. These different parts of you make up how you show up in the world, how you react to situations (good and bad), how you behave in relationships, in your job or in your business. Your individual stars can help you when you’ve got anxiety or (if they’re working in a way that isn’t connected to Source) can make it worse. Throughout my life, I have lived many different roles and each time these different parts of me (my stars) have had their time to shine. I believe you have seven major stars that make up your constellation.

These are mine: (Photos below in order, you might even be able to spot the difference in energy!)

  • The Athlete

  • The Disabled

  • The High Priestess/Witch

  • The Sister/Daughter

  • The Starseed

  • The Darkness (Unresolved = depression / resolved = strong shadow self)

  • The Creative

Each of these ‘stars’ makes up who we are and how we show up in the world, at points in time, one or two can show up stronger than the others. It is a powerful moment when you see that different parts of you coming through. Creating your Constellation is the opportunity to weed out who you think you are and how you thought you had to be in the world. If you can work out what your seven major stars are, and move all seven into a space of purpose, positivity and power you will be able to achieve, I believe anything you set your mind to, allowing each star to shine when it is needed, gives such balance and strength to your own truth.


‘If I train really, really hard I’ll be able to get there.’


You’re not self-sabotaging…